
Friday 16 May 2014

Avoiding Bankruptcy And Foreclosure

By Evella Clifford

In some cases, filing for bankruptcy or losing your home to foreclosure are the only methods you have to clear debt and start rebuilding your finances. However, these are last-ditch efforts that severely impact your life. You could lose your house and many other belongings in order to clear away debt. There are, however, a few tips that can help you avoid either of these legal proceedings.

Begin by taking stock of all of your debts and expenses. Write down every asset, from your home to your furnishing to jewelry and electronics. Make a list of every bill you pay and create a worksheet that compares your monthly expenses to your total income.

After you have a clear picture, start making choices about what you can eliminate from the budget. Canceling cable, gym memberships, expensive cell phone packages and memberships to online movie streaming or video game clubs are all luxury items that really add up and are easy to do without. In addition, perhaps you have items you can sell. Maybe you have a boat or some gold jewelry or you can manage with just one vehicle. Plan out meals carefully and eat at home and pack a homemade lunch at work. Every bit can help you get back on the right track and help you pay off debt.

Often one of the reasons why people are in a difficult situation is because they have trouble making their mortgage payment and have missed several payments or paid their mortgage late. If you struggle each month to pay your mortgage, selling your home could be a way to deal with a huge amount of debt. Not only will you eliminate the mortgage payment, you might make enough from the sale to pay off other debts.

Putting your house on the market for a traditional sale, however, can take time and you might not be able to wait the weeks or months it takes to sell the home. In addition, the seller typically pays a substantial commission to the realtors upon the close of escrow, and this might not be something you can afford. So it probably would be best to contact a real estate investor or real estate investment firm. They buy Virginia Beach homes fast, often in less than 10 days time, so you will have cash in hand in just days rather than waiting for a home to sell.

For those who need to stop foreclosure in Virginia Beach, the team at VA Home Investments can help. In many cases, you'll have an offer for your home within 24 hours, and they can close the sale in as little as nine days. If you need to sell a home quickly in Virginia Beach, there are many advantages to going through a firm such as VA Home Investments. They charge no commissions or fees, and they will buy homes in any neighborhood, in any price range and in any condition. You won't even have to clean, repair and stage you home, they will take it as-is, which can be just the solution you need in a dire financial situation.

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