
Saturday, 9 August 2014

A Consumer Proposal Toronto Can Come To Your Aid

By Annabelle Holman

Consumer proposals are great options for people who don't want to declare bankruptcy. You can agree to a consumer proposal Toronto with your creditor and legally file. This protects you from various debt collectors and will allow you to just pay the portion of your debt that you are able to. Your creditor will be a licensed bankruptcy trustee, so you can be sure to address all your debt woes with him or her.

Your creditors and you agree on a specific amount that you have to pay back when you file a consumer proposal. The rest of your debt balance is forgive, and will thus give you some peace of mind from the otherwise daunting amount. You'll find that this kind of proposals provide both benefits and restrictions.

Your creditor will allow a maximum repayment period of 5 years, within which you can pay the entire portion of the debt you've agreed on. Once you file the proposal, the interests on the debt stop accumulating, wage garnishments cease, and debt collectors will stop trying to obtain payments from you. Unlike bankruptcy, you don't have to give up your house and other financial assets.

Surplus income is not an issue or concern when it comes to these proposals, just like bankruptcy. Additionally, the assets and home you will be able to keep will also never be surrendered temporarily to your creditor during the period of payment. Regardless of whether you income increases or decreases within the 5 years, the portion of debt agreed to will never change either.

The credit score drop you get from proposals like this is a lot better than what you'd get with bankruptcy. Bankruptcy will provide you with a R9 rating, while consumer proposals provide a R7 one. Keep in mind that an R9 rating is the lowest rank you can obtain, causing a lot of damage on your credit score.

You aren't the only one benefiting from this filing. Your creditors, while they aren't receiving the full debt amount, receive at least some portion. If you were to go bankrupt, they would not receive anything. Therefore, if you really are in a place where you can only pay a partial amount of your debts, the creditors welcome this alternative.

As mentioned, your home and other financial assets aren't a concern in consumer proposals. As long as your debt total is within five thousand dollars to two hundred fifty thousand dollars, you are considered appropriate to take this alternative. People who have stable jobs and can pay smaller regular payments, those who can't afford the full debt and interest amounts, people who don't want to file for bankruptcy to avoid surplus income payments, or those who can't get debt consolidation loans are all eligible for consumer proposals.

There still are some limitations to consumer proposals. You won't be able to pick which debts you want to pay, since your creditors will decide the dispersal. You also won't be able to avoid alimony or spousal support, some student loans, or home mortgage and car loan obligations. Your creditor will give you further detailed information on what qualifies and what doesn't in consumer proposals.

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